What Are LIFE Flossbands and why do some of The Worlds Best use them???

The short answer:
Compression-based technology designed to help decrease pain and increase Range Of Motion in both joints and soft tissue structures. And…the results they provide are amazing!
Used by some of Australia’s Best Athletes
Such as Paralympic Champions Scott Reardon and Kurt Fearnley, The Sydney Swans, Brisbane Lions, ACT Brumbies, and Australian Institute of Sport athletes and coaches. In addition, one of the World’s Best Coaches, Dan Pfaff, uses LIFE Flossbands daily to treat his World Champion athletes.
Yep, that’s right, you don’t have to be an athlete to enjoy the amazing benefits of flossbands; they are perfect for everyone.
Mothers around the country are enjoying hanging the washing pain free, while office workers are benefiting from the neck and shoulder tension release. People with cerebral palsy are gaining significant relief of tone and spasticity, and amputees are experimenting using them for phantom pain.
We even have miners in NSW using them for knee pain, as well as grandparents in QLD using them to aid swollen joints.
Fast and Easy to Use
Requiring only a few minutes of time, and easy enough for you to apply yourself in many areas, LIFE Flossbands are a quick and highly effective self-treatment tool.
They can be applied to most areas of the body, in many different ways, and provide significant improvements.
The general rule of LIFE Flossbands is to apply the band to the chosen area and take it through as much Range Of Motion as possible in the space of around 2 minutes. Release the band, then watch and feel the improvements.
The longer (and more technical) answer:
There are many ideas behind why Flossbands work. In this section, we’ll enlighten you with a few of the hypotheses that continually arise when working with world leading Therapists and Coaches. To get a real understanding of their success, I suggest you try them for yourself. Hypotheses of benefits:
The Fascial System
Substantial release of Myofascial adhesions, and the neural effect through the fascial system. The Fascial system is our most manipulative soft tissue structure in the body, consisting of many layers and neural receptors. Fascial adhesions can be strong contributors to pain and aberrant mechanics. LIFE Flossbands provide a fascial block, and help to create motion between fascial planes, in turn releasing the fibrotic tissue between layers. This tissue causes a restriction, which is what LIFE Flossbands assist with.
The Occlusion effect
This is a positive response to the application and why we aim to keep the treatment within two minutes.
The compression of the LIFE Flossband will prevent blood flow to a specific area. When the band is released, a rush of fresh blood hydrates the tissue and brings the healing effect through an endocrine response.
It’s also believed that whilst the blood flow is prevented, the signals to the brain are going a bit crazy and not completely understanding why the area is able to move through more ROM pain free. However, they’re responding to this in a positive way, and when the band is released, the neural signals realign and are happy with their pathways through this new ROM. Essentially, the fascia is screaming at the brain to say “Hey, it’s ok for us to move through this ROM, there’s no pain, so this is good for us”.
Improved Joint Mechanics
Joint pain and decreased ROM can cause, or be caused by, a lack of fluid to the area. As discussed earlier, when we release the pressure of the LIFE Flossbands, there is a rush of fluid into the joints. This is an effective outcome to help improve joint ROM.
We know that for best outcomes of flossing, we should perform active ROM of the affected area after releasing the bands to help maintain tissue health, and joint and tissue ROM, in the correct movement planes.
For swollen joints and tissue:
The Strong LIFE Flossbands can be used to decrease swelling. This is an extremely effective tool for decreasing inflammation in both joints and tissue. This is due to the compression forcing the swelling into the lymphatic system, which works to pump the fluid from the swollen area.
It’s important that we apply the bands in different ways for different swollen areas, with compression applied towards the heart.
Please note: If you are treating an area post-surgery or have chronic pain, seek advice from your therapist or medical practitioner before applying the flossbands.
Instructions for best use
- Apply the LIFE Flossband to the desired area by wrapping it, with greater compression applied directly over the affected area and less pressure around the rest of the limb.
- Take the flossed area through as much Range Of Motion as possible, both actively and passively if possible. For example, if you’re flossing the knee, you can do body weight squats. If you’re flossing an area that you can’t weight bear on, make your active movements occur without weight bearing. For example, you can apply the LIFE Flossband to your knee or thigh and lay on the floor and bend and straighten the leg and do some stretches.
- Release the band after approximately two minutes, and move the affected area around for 30-60 seconds to assist blood to flow back to the area. You can then reassess for improvements.
- Take the affected area through active ROM when the flossband is off in order to allow the area to move with mechanical efficiency. This protocol will help to maintain tissue health and increase joint ROM for longer.
- Carry the LIFE Flossband with you everywhere and apply as needed throughout the day, in any environment you desire.