Do you know your “Why”?

–a blog that reflects my life and I hope to inspire others to take their life to the next level!
“A good Life is not a place you arrive to, a good Life is what you see through your daily lens” –this is a quote I recently heard on my favourite podcasts “the school of greatness” by Lewis Howes. It´s nothing new, but a great reminder for everyone out there who is always chasing tomorrow, the weekend, next time or “in the future”… actually, it’s a great reminder for everyone. The following text is quite a personal and simple, but oh so important read for everyone who feels they’ve been struggling at one stage or another, or just haven’t figured out their “why” in life.
You are not your performance, not what you study, what you work with, a mum or a dad or what other people define you as. You are You. You study, you have a job and yes, maybe you are a mum or a dad, but you´re still a person with a specific personality who sometimes can be covered by all of these titles and unfortunately forget oneself. ( A lot more to add and explain here but I’ll leave it for now). No matter what age you are, you’ll always be a part of some kind of roller coaster in life. Good times and not so good times taking turns. You’ll be surrounded by great people, as well as people not having the same values or walking a similar path towards similar goals.
In 2012 I missed out on the Olympics, one of my biggest goals in my sporting career. I had knee surgery which didn’t go according to plan. In the beginning of that year I broke up from a tough relationship that probably should have ended before it even started three years earlier ( no regrets, I learned a lot ). I also met my current fiance Brett in Australia –almost as far from Sweden as you can travel. After a few months together I then had to leave Australia, not knowing about the future and to face the toughest year so far in my life.
The days, months and years of happiness, as well as the struggle to figure out why you were put on this planet and how to find a way of creating a good Life isn’t always easy.
I had, and still have, a “life coach” who was actually my so called “mental trainer” in my sporting career. Every time I meet him I walk away having a new goal to work towards and key tools to get me there.
When I had the most struggle in 2012, I wrote my “5 year vision” and I wrote as if I was in the now (presence) of 2017….it wasn’t easy, but wow, I couldn’t have imagine how powerful a text could be.. I still until this day read it regularly, and guess what? A LOT of what I “dreamed” has come true. IMPORTANT NOTE: not without a lot of struggle, hard work, sweat and tears.( trying not to sound like a cliche;)
I haven’t reached all of my dreams and goals I wrote in there, but I have realised this – I am still good enough, lovable, and valuable!
To have a 5 year vision and lay out my goals along the way always keeps me on track when making decisions. Choices I make in my life always reflect this bigger vision. ..and once again, Life is the journey you´re on every day, it´s not all about the destination, BUT to make that journey a memorable one its highly recommended that You know who You are, what Your values are and what You believe would be Your dream destination (goal).
Have you ever sat down with someone talking about your life, your dreams, your visions? Do you know “why” you´re doing what you’re doing and the Power of that question? …there´s a lot of questions out there that actually have great answers but it´s YOUR responsibility to reach out and find them!
Never let other people tell you what to do and which path to choose. Take advice, ask a million questions, Dare to fail! And in some cases – Dare to succeed! But always remember that YOU are the one that is making the decisions. Surround yourself with people that lift you higher. You’re born with a gift and it’s your challenge and purpose to figure out what it is!
You are the MAIN actor in YOUR movie. Make it an amazing, unforgettable story of Your life!
XX Lots of Love / Mari