My Vision of my Thirties to help me reach my Hundreds.

On my 30th Birthday I am FEELING like I’ve never felt before: Emotionally, Mentally, and Physically.
I am emotionally agile and have emotional intelligence from skills learned with my life coaches and mentors.
I have clarity with my mental state, and I’m in control of my mentality through optimal brain health and mindfulness.
I am physically fitter and stronger than ever before, hitting P.B’s in my chosen disciplines.
- I am GIVING more than I’ve ever given;
Time to charity on the day, and an amount to a charity greater than I’ve ever given from my own pocket.
- I am MOVING like I’ve never moved before;
I’ve learned Salsa dancing to groove with the locals in South America later this year
- I KNOW more than I’ve ever known;
I’ve improved my education on the 7 key areas of life
- I am SPEAKING better than I’ve ever spoken;
My Swedish is structured enough to speak some sentences to Mari, on topics of our health and family.
- I EXPRESS MORE GRATITUDE than I’ve ever expressed;
I am much more congruent with my inner and outer being
- I am LOVING more than I’ve ever loved;
I’m surrounded by family, friends, the love of my life and I am visiting my Grandparents plaque.
With exactly 25 weeks and 5 days from now as I sit on this flight from Doha to Sweden, I accept that this challenge is less about me and more about those who will hopefully be inspired by this randomness and implement change into their lives, to strive for their own inner excellence.
I am entering the 30’s era of my life like I will end the 100’s era of my life – with intent to be the best human I can be!
November 2nd 2015