Brett Robbo - FROM COBAR
Before Brett Robbo started his journey in High Performance Sport, he grew up in and finished high school in a small, isolated country town in Australia, called Cobar. With a population of only 5-5,500 people it was great for Brett to stay well connected to his close family and friends - a deep core value of his.
Sporting opportunities flourished for him as he was offered Rugby League contracts in Sydney and Sprinting scholarships at the Australian Institute of Sport, of which he chose the latter and was a full-time sprinter for almost 3 years. For over 13 years Brett has been travelling the World with High Performance sporting teams as a Performance Therapist and Sprints and Jumps Coach, coaching and treating World Record Holders and Olympic and Paralympic Champions.
Brett's journey hasn't always been smooth sailing and he's suffered his fair share of adversity.
Watch the video to find out more and understand the deeper purposeful reason behind Brett’s podcasting journey.
Brett’s life now revolves around helping all humans, not just High Performance Coaches and athletes, tap into their inner excellence and be the best versions of themselves. Some of Brett’s greatest strengths are his beliefs, empathy, emotional intelligence and genuine ability to relate and communicate with all humans. When asked about his “success”, he refers to the famous quote from Tony Robbins: “Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure”.
Brett explains that his journey is fulfilling because he nourishes the key pillars of his life on a regular basis and is very in touch with his core values, belief systems, purpose and mission – “living congruently is living fulfilled” says Brett.


Ep. 127 Using Tenacity, Resilience & Grit To Create Freedom, with Nardia Norman

Ep. 126 Emotionally Intelligent Parenting, Part 2, with Brett Robbo

Ep. 125 Leap And The Net Will Appear, with Lauren Armes from Welltodo Global

Ep. 124 Empowering You To Be The Author Of Your Life, with Robyn Moore
Ep.123 Reframing Failure & Making Your Visions Your Reality, with Mari Olsson
Ep. 122 From Fear & limiting Beliefs, To Your Truest Expression, with Dan Kurlapski

Ep. 120 Is There Actually A Line Between Pleasure & Pain? With Dr Happy
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