How To Prepare Your Kids For Their Future: Confidence, Creativity, Connectedness

I recently sat with Hugh Jackman’s acting coach Dean Carey for a podcast episode, and he blew my mind with his understanding of Human Behaviour. More so, he intrigued me with his new collaboration with world renowned education group MindChamps, to help prepare the next generation of children for the unknown outlook of their future employment.
In the Words of MindChamps Director David Elfick, Project 2036 is real.
“If your child is 3 or 4 years old now they will have 4 years preschool, 6 years primary school, 6 years secondary School and 4 years for a basic diploma or qualification”.
“Your son or daughter will hit the workforce in 2036. We can’t even imagine what the world will be like next week, let alone in 2036. Hence creating the 3 C’s. Would you like your children to be Confident, Creative and Connected? Is that something you think that 2036 will require? Of course it is” Dean admits.
Dean explains “We’re going to need to be collaborative to survive, which is to be creative connected and confident. Zero Fear and 100% Respect! Zero fear means don’t be afraid to share, don’t be afraid to ask or to say I don’t know. 100% respect is to the person, to everyone in the room, 100% respect to the teacher, the parents, the community, the friends, the planet”.
David from mindchamp believes true education is an intersection of 4 things:
– Education itself – reading, writing, arithmetic etc
– Psychology – How we learn. What is our relationship to ourselves and to learning.
– Neuroscience. Why does it work sitting a circle, or standing for example.
– Theater – an incredible connector. A world of imagination taking us into the right side of our brains.
30 years ago, Dean created and this is the theatre piece to the puzzle of MindChamps. Dean proudly explains at ACA that they teach individuals to the MAP model, which is the 3 types of people we all have inside ourselves:
Manager – The rational, logical, caring, resourceful, thinking and feeling part of us. They give us the best advice.
Artist – Purposeful, artistic, instinctive, intuitive, resourceful.
Person – vulnerable, wounded, magical, filters, attachments, hopes and dreams etc
“The best thing a parent can do is give their child the ability to manage themselves – in every aspect” Dean explains.
Your children, regardless of their age, can learn to how to step forward in confidence and not step back in fear. And so can you and I! There’s a powerful exercise that Dean takes us through in this podcast episode that I have begun implementing myself to help conquer my limiting beliefs, and I’m now using it as a coaching tool for many people I work with.
If you’re a parent or planning on having children and you’re wondering what skills your kids will need to succeed in a world where we don’t even know what jobs will exist, invest your time into this powerful podcast with Dean.