Ep. 127 Using Tenacity, Resilience & Grit To Create Freedom, with Nardia Norman

Nardia Norman is a Women’s Health & Performance coach, author, speaker,podcast host and all round empowering legend. Nardia has been in the Personal Trainer industry for over 20 years and In 2014, she was awarded the Australian Fitness Network “Personal Trainer of The Year award”. Her career has seen a massive shift to online…
Ep. 126 Emotionally Intelligent Parenting, Part 2, with Brett Robbo

Even if you’re not a parent you’ll still get value from these short episodes! These segments are not me trying to teach people how to parent! They will involve me sharing my experiences, challenges and choices and how I use my tool belt of Mental Strength Training and Emotional Intelligence (EQ) to navigate the evolving parenting journey!…
Ep. 125 Leap And The Net Will Appear, with Lauren Armes from Welltodo Global

Lauren Armes is an entrepreneur, business mentor and success coach. In 2014 she founded her company called ‘Welltodo’ and was running it as a passion project before eventually quitting her full-time job in corporate and transforming welltodo into a Global business. Welltodo is a leading global source for wellness industry news and business insights. They…
Ep. 124 Empowering You To Be The Author Of Your Life, with Robyn Moore

WOW WOW WOW. This episode was one of THE most enlightening discussions of my life! Robyn Moore is Australia’s most in-demand female speaker, captivating audiences in her life changing presentations and workshops. She is one of Australia’s most well known voice over artists, best known as the voice for the cartoon character Blinky Bill, which…
Ep.123 Reframing Failure & Making Your Visions Your Reality, with Mari Olsson
Mari Olsson is Sweden’s greatest creation! She’s also is a former professional Race Walker and was Sweden’s national champion for the women’s 20km race walk. Mari is one of the founding directors of Mudlife OCR, an awesome competitive Obstacle Course Race company in Sweden that’s now branched into physical and mental training camps. Mari is…