Posts Tagged ‘mental health’
Ep. 120 Is There Actually A Line Between Pleasure & Pain? With Dr Happy
Dr. Tim Sharp, aka Dr. Happy, is an internationally renowned leader in the field of Positive Psychology. He’s a sought after Speaker and Facilitator, Consultant and Coach, Writer and Podcaster, Spokesperson and Brand Ambassador. I’m grateful to have Dr Happy for the second time on Your Life Of Impact. He graced us wayback in episode…
Ep. 118 Finding The Frothers, with Benny Wallington & Brett Robbo
What is a “Frother”? How is “Frothing” related to your optimal performance condition, your Flow State? You’ve heard me say many times that i’m an optimistic LOVER of life. My good mate Benny Wallington terms this as “Frothing”. He believes that when we surround ourselves with genuine frothers, we’re actually stimulating a flow state –…
Ep. 117 How To Simplify Your Complexities & Enjoy A More Abundant Life, with Brett Robbo
If you knew how to live by a simplified process that could help minimise stress, anxiety and worry in your life and improve your happiness and emotional wellbeing, would you be committed to the journey? In this short episode I explore why you turn simple internal processes into oblique perceptions that trigger your emotions and…
Ep.108 How To Optimise Your Gut Health & Gut Brain Connection, With Functional Medicine Practitioner Karl Hughan
We’re pumped to help you cut through the confusion and get clarity about your health and wellbeing from the gut, to the gut-brain connection and beyond! Karl Hughan is a Functional Medicine practitioner and Functional Neurology expert. He’s a holistic health, fitness and performance consultant, business owner and wellness speaker and this is his fourth…
Ep.104 What’s More Important, The Mental Health Of The Murderer Or The Mental Health Of The Victims? with Wendy Robinson
Thank you for your outreach of support and interest after the first episode with Mum. This is part two, sharing more about our story and case. As you can see by the title, we talk a lot about mental health in this episode. Please remember, if you’re experiencing mental health dificulties, lifeline is a great…